100 Days of Happy: Day 2
♥100 Days of Happy: Day 2♥
This morning was far from typical. I woke up feeling like I had drunk all night. My body was experiencing a sluggish and overly tired sensation. In simpler terms your girl felt like shit. I was thinking please let something happen to pull me up and give me life. Then not only did one thing happen but two things happened. Whose a lucky girl?
I am! It’s about 9am Dubai time and my cellphone is just chiming away. I looked and saw I was getting Facebook messages from my dear college friend Jamilla. She is the sweetest and most kind soul you ever want to meet. Her spirit is one that is radiant and makes you feel good to be around.
Jamilla was just want I needed to get me back on track. She is the best. We talked for about an hour and laughed. It was good to see her. I am so excited that she is planning a trip to visit me in Dubai. I know we are going to have a blast.
Read What Made Me Happy on My First Day of Happy!

The second thing that happened to me is my marinade injector! I have looked for that kitchen gadget here for a while. Most importantly I need it to make good on a promise I made to my pop pop. He makes these amazing fried turkeys. On holidays he would sell them and make serious cash. Then my pop pop moved down south and gave a few family members the secret recipe.
Read About My Henna Experience!
I had it at a family picnic a few years back and it wasn’t great. Some people just can’t follow a recipe. Anyhow I have worked really hard with different herbs and spices trying to reinvent a new Cajun seasoning. I must say what I have done so far is a winner. I can’t wait to go in the test kitchen and try it out now that I have all my kitchen tools. It will be sinful! Anyway these were the two things that made me smile today. I hope that my joy can bring you joy too.
Oh yes “Remember to be the best possible version of yourself!”