100 Days of Happy: Day 3 and 4
Hey Everyone I was so busy being happy I forgot to update lol. For my 3rd and 4th day of a 100 days of happy I did some amazing things. I went to the shooting range and I made me some yummy fried shrimp with french fries.

♥Day 3♥
First let’s talk about the shooting range. I have been around guns my whole life. My pop pop has hunted game for years. So I am no stranger to fire arms. I had never shot a hand gun before so I was a little nervous. Who the hell am I kidding I was a LOT nervous. I had a damn 22 in my hand with real fucking bullets this was no movie! After being giving the gun, my instructor gave me the rules and taught me how to load. As he loaded the first bullet and shut the chamber he explained to me the art of shooting. As he was explaining I am paying the most attention because we want to make sure there were no mistakes. I took in the information and took the gun. As I held the cold steel in my hand I felt like the most powerful person in the room. As the chamber of the gun shut I aimed at the target and pop I shot! My first shot was a head shot right to the ear. After the first shot I got more comfortable and started to load the gun myself.
Read About Day 1 of 100 days of Happy! Click Here!
I was just having a great time. My teacher told me I had good aim for a person who has never shot a pistol. I was like that’s awesome. Going to the range gave me a different prospective on guns.They can be fun as long as you use them safely. It also made me realize that it is a good skill to have. I hope I never have to use it. Shooting paper is way more fun than people.
Read Here About Day 2 of 100 Days of Happy! Click Here!
I would love to re-visit the shooting range again with my husband. We had an awesome time.
♥Day 4♥
Now onto those damn shrimps I had. Lawd! Those shrimps gave me life. I turned on the Bossa Nova, pour a glass of wine, and began to cook. I always cook with good music. In my mind good music means good food. The music keeps me calm and focused when I am trying to create. Cooking is very relaxing and comes natural to me. The simplest things can bring joy to my belly and my mind. When they were cooked and plated they didn’t last very long. I was so happy about I made and instagram video. My 100 days of happy are going so great. Looking forward to the next 96 days!
xoxo Jersey