A Moment of Silence for Mike Brown
The verdict for the Mike Brown case was announced yesterday and I can’t say I am surprised in regards to the ruling. Darren Wilson is not guilty.
In the US people like to ignore that racism still exist and live by the notion black people are too sensitive. I don’t know how they can be so blind when the acts are happening right in front of our eyes.

I feel so bad and sorry for the Brown family. Reports are saying when the verdict was announced Mike Brown’s mother screamed with heartbreak.
There has been constant protesting all over the world in regards to our young men being killed by police enforcement and civilians. It seems like every time I turn on the news another young black death appears.
This is yet another sad day for our people. My prayers go out to Mike Brown’s family. Everyone Pray for Ferguson, Pray for our society, and Pray for open hearts.
My heart aches….