Hi Bareian Friends! I participated in the ALS ice bucket challenge and it felt amazing to spread awareness about a serious disease that has affected 30,000 Americans and maybe more all over the world.
My first time seeing the ice bucket challenge online was in practical joke form. Some of these short videos included men sitting in the back of a pick-up truck filled with ice water drinking beer and another with a woman wearing a too small white bikini in her front yard. These videos went viral and made many of us all laugh, but ALS was clever in their marketing to tie themselves to the challenge.

Although the ice bucket challenge is fun the disease is nothing to play with. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis better know as Lou Gehrig’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord.
This is a very serious issue and I am so glad that due to people participating in the ice bucket challenge they have raised over 8 million dollars for research. It makes me feel good to be apart of that. I want to shout out everyone who participated in helping others bring awareness to this cause.
For More info: http://www.alsa.org/about-als/what-is-als.html
Watch my Ice Bucket Challenge Here:
Watch the full version on Youtube: