Beyonce New H&M Commercial …Is it Satanic?

The commercial begins with Beyonce walking among the sand doing slow sexy moves to show off a very small black bikini. She looked great in her two piece while dancing to the music. It’s a lot heavy breathing on the music as well. I was like why does it sound like someone is having sex? Then it turns into a full on music video. The scene changes and you see her wearing this very colorful free flowing two piece suit. Out of all the suits I like this one the best.
It looked the most comfortable. In plus I like for my clothes to fly in the wind because I am fabulous. As she dances along the beach singing about the sun. She is also seen in a typical playing in the water on the beach scene with dark hair and suit color resembles the water with all the shades of blue. As I am watching I am wondering why her hair changed.

Then it gets dark. Beyonce is once again surrounded by fire. She looks kind of devilish sitting in this chair while the women around her dance and obey her. I want to know what is the sudden obsession with fire? The beach servants than place a fire crown on her head. Her facial expressions that started off as a smile looked ominous and dark. It got creepy when she started to walk towards the camera with her fire crown in a dark disposition. I am not saying she is the devil or believes in devil but something didn’t feel right about the end of this H&M commercial.

I could be reading to much into it but it just look weird. I am not going to lie it made me feel like I needed to start praying because I have no idea what I just exposed myself to. Spirits are everywhere and they get on you anyway they can. I believe that with all my heart. Watch the commercial and you let me know? PS I tried to see what others thought but they disabled the comments on the video. Interesting….