Beyonce Starts a Vegan Food Delivery Service!
Beyonce has started a vegan delivery service called 22 days Nutrition.

The name comes from the notion that it takes 21 days to break any bad habits. As we remember back in 2013 Beyonce went on a vegan diet with husband Jay Z for 22 days and I guess it stuck.
The 22 Day meal plans cost anywhere from 9-15 dollars per meal. If you got the meal plan for three times a day you could pay up to 27.00 dollars per day to maintain that plan. If you got one meal it would be 15.00 dollars and that’s not including tip. These must be some REALLY good veggies.
Reports say that Beyonce made a formal announcement about being vegan but I can’t find any information to back that up. However there were photos from a fourth of July gathering via her Tumblr of lobster and shrimp on the menu as her family vacationed in the Hamptons. I know that some vegetarians may have fish but a vegan is very different.
Now I don’t claim to know a lot about being vegan but I know it’s a lifestyle not just food choices. People who are “vegan” eat, dress, and use things in their everyday life that are all natural. It is more than just eating plant-based food. I am not sure how this will appeal to the middle-class being that it’s a bit pricey.
It is no secret that eating healthy is costly. That is why you have to work around these food options to get what you need. All of the quality food is over 8 dollars and paying for that is out of the question for some families.
Produce is not cheap when trying to buy organic. You can buy four regular tomatoes for 2.00 dollars but the organic ones are 5-6 dollars.
Studies are still debating whether organic is really the best for you due to how it’s grown. The organic craze in a lot of people’s mind is simply a marketing tool for you to pay more for the same quality.
Do you think she will succeed?