Black Ink Crew Could Argue Improper Aftercare!
Black Ink Crew has been under media scrutiny for the last few days over a woman claiming that she has been disfigured from their tattoo services!
Although the owner nor VH1 has responded yet, it has been speculated that they may use the lack of Aftercare to fight in the case. Black Ink Crew has the list of their aftercare instructions via their website.
Tattoo Aftercare Instructions
Remove Bandage after 1 hour
Wash tattoo gently with cold water. NO SOAP
Apply light coat of Aquaphor Healing Ointment 2-3 times daily
Do NOT expose tattoo to Chlorine or sun for a minimum of 2 weeks (This may cause irritation and fading)
NYC state law is the client must leave a clean and sterile dressing over the tattoo for at least 3-5 hours. Even though Black Ink Crew suggests one hour other shops in the city vary these times as well. The state law also says that the client is aware of the risks that come with tattooing by paperwork provided before work performed.
This woman had to sign a waiver accepting the medical responsibility in the event their was some reaction. This is routine for any tattoo shop. The woman claims the tattoo helped her develop keloids over the past year. Adding that her confidence has diminished and it has become difficult during intimate moments due to the pain.
I honestly believe it is her own skin reacting to the ink. She could have went to anybody and it would have probably been the same result. Tattoo’s are risky and skin is a very temperamental.
You can’t just put anything on your skin because it changes over time. I am sure this case will be thrown out and she will have to just deal with her choice to get the tattoo. It just sucks that Black Ink is getting the bad press behind a situation that could have happened anywhere and with anyone.
What do you all think? You think she will win or will it be thrown out?