Black Is Beautiful ….The Struggle With Complexion
I am Jessica, a proud dark skin woman. Some say my roots trace me back to the wonderful essence of Africa; I personally like to acknowledge myself as a black American. Growing up my complexion made my life a bit uneasy. I was teased numerous times and I didn’t feel beautiful. Most of my friends were always lighter skinned than I. They always received the most attention and life just seemed so much easier for them. I secretly hated myself and I envied my friends. Bleaching creams became my new best friend. After trying those harsh products nothing changed. I was still the same sad young women looking back at myself in the mirror every day. I became very bitter and unhappy with the body my soul resided in. It wasn’t until I tuned 18 that my life began to change. I finally realized that my complexion complex was all in my mind. If I wanted to feel beautiful I had to learn how to accept and love myself first. I began to read encouragement books and I taught myself how to love me. In all reality, you set the tone for how others will treat you. Regardless of how DARK SKINNED women are perceived, it is our duty to demand respect. I am very aware of the negative perceptions, and the stupidity of some of our own kind, however they don’t matter. In today’s world it appears that beauty is no longer in the eye of the beholder. For most, beauty is what is seen in magazines and what we watch on television and online. Blatant fuckery if you ask me. Because of that mind set our young black women grow up with low self esteem and anger issues, hence “the angry black women”. Many of us try way too hard to fit into society. Until each one of us stands up as an individual and accepts our divine role in life as beautiful black women nothing will change. I have to laugh at the ridiculous things that people say today. My favorite is “wow you’re really attractive for a dark skin chick”. Is this the way some of our men think? Well let me say that I know many beautiful dark skin sisters, so why is that a shock! We exist; there are many of us, different shades, and different sizes. I encourage you all to take a stand, fight the odds, and prove to the world that we are all beautiful.
Always with love,

One Comment
Tammie McGee
Jess, Black is BEAUTIFUL and SO ARE YOU! I know you because I am you! BRAVO that you finally accept and love yourself. BRAVO!! I’ve included a link to share with you my story and to let you know that you’re not alone.