Black People Hatred and White Teens Make it Viral

In recent months young Caucasian teens have been uploading YouTube videos expressing how much they hate black people. These videos have went viral on many popular gossip sites containing offensive language about African-Americans.
The first video shows a young girl in here room saying “There is a problem in United States and its Black people!” Although the video is short she is definitely passionate on why she hates ‘black people”. She explains “You lose them in the dark, they eat all your got damn chicken and everything is wrong with them! We should have a new plague that gets rid of all black people”
The next set of teens speak about how black people are weave wearers that aren’t able to brush their own hair and that it stinks because we as a people wash our hair every couple of days.
Had these young ladies been educated about black hair that would know our hair isn’t as oily as white people which causes their hair to be heavier and create an unpleasant smell slightly quicker than we do. Black people don’t have all that oil build up so it’s not that we don’t practice cleanliness we just don’t have to wash it everyday due to that fact.
The last set of girls were speaking about how African-Americans continue to abuse the system and not wanting anything out of life but to be stupid. They also claim that there is hardly any black people in the North region of the U.S. and that’s why black people raised here are different or less ghetto.
She also explains her best friend who is bi-racial only hangs out with white people and makes fun of his own race. She then says he’s not really black because he looks white. Also his parents are both surgeons and that he agrees with them that there are “Niggers and then there is Black People“
When I watched all these videos I couldn’t blame them for their ignorance of the African-American race because this is something that had to be taught in their homes growing up. Basically they just made viral morals and values from their moms and dads.
Racist aren’t made they are created by narration sickness from generations past. These girls are simply a product of their environment. They have no idea the contributions that African-Americans have made to this society and that’s why they can say such foolish things without a thought.
I can’t deny a vast majority of people do take advantage of the system. Then collect the benefits knowing they can work or make a better life for their families which is wrong. Unfortunately this is not just an African-American problem but an everybody problem. All races are guilty of abusing the system to receive benefits from the tax payers dollars in our country. It cracks me up how they are so passionate about something that doesn’t affect them but their parents.
Some people are lazy but they aren’t always black. I hope this doesn’t become a trend for these teenagers to catch onto. Sitting around making hate videos against each other I will post the videos at the bottom so you can watch for yourself.
*The young girl who made the first video did sent out a public apology via YouTube for her ignorance. The others have yet to send out a retraction.

This was a great article as it is one that really enlightens one awareness of racial hatered still living and breathing. It is apparent that this type of hate and ignorance is still being pass down to our next generations. I have never pass anything like this however I have always pass down warnings of this behavior.
Thanks for the wake up call Jersey! Keep doing what you are doing
Basically pretty ignorant stuff.. I’m not offended because… I Hate you too bitch.