The word of the day is chocolate! I made the most amazing fudge brownies yesterday and it was so simple! You have to try these people!
My husband is out of town and when he is gone I take on my old single self behaviors. My usual stuff like playing loud music, singing horribly and dancing around in my underwear. Who the hell am I kidding I do that with audience I just usually have on pants, well sometimes I do. Stop judging! Anyway I was craving something dense, chocolatey, and all mine. I was like BROWNIES BITCHES!
I ran to the kitchen wondering did I have all I needed to bake and I realized indeed I did. When I tell you how simple this is you will freak!
So this is what you need:
Butter 10 tsp
Baking Paper
Brownie Pan
Sugar 1 1/2 cups
Good Cocoa Powder 3 1/4 cups and 2 tbsp (Hershey is good or whatever you make your hot chocolate with will do)
Pinch of Salt (Only Add If You Are Using Unsalted Butter)
2 Large Eggs
2 Tbsp of fresh brewed Coffee
1 Tbsp Vanilla Extract
1 Cup Flour
Nuts (Optional)
Making the Batter:
Now let’s get started! Preheat your oven to 325 degrees then get a sauce pan and fill it halfway with water. Bring the water to a boil. Once it boils turn the heat down low and let the water start to steam. In a heat proof bowl add the butter, cocoa powder, salt, and sugar. Take the bowl and mount it on the steaming pot. Now if the water is touching the bottom of the bowl please pour a little water out of the pot. You just want the steam to melt the butter slowly and the water not to come in contact with the bowl only the steam.
Once you have the bowl mounted start to stir until the butter has melted and been fully incorporated. The batter will appear shiny and a bit grainy but it’s fine it will smooth later. Remove the bowl from the pot and turn off the fire. The batter will be a bit warm when you remove it from the steam but it’s no problem just add the next few ingredients. To the mixture add one egg and then mix until completely dissolved into the chocolate. Then add the other egg following the previous step.
Add some good vanilla extract and some of your best coffee. The coffee will bring the flavor of chocolate to a whole new level. That is a Jersey twist to this brownie recipe. Once those ingredients are mixed in you can add chocolate chips or nuts if you’d like. You can always wait like I did and add them on the top as they bake in the oven. Finally add the flour and mix until the flour is all gone. You don’t want any white spots in your batter. Now that you have your batter mixed it should appear shiny and chocolatey! Sit the batter to the side and prepare your pan.
Preparing the Pan:
Take your brownie pan and flip upside down. Take the baking paper and place on the bottom of the pan. Trace the bottom of the pan with a pencil. Once you have a perfect square traced proceed to cutting it out. The baking paper prevents the chocolate from sticking and makes for easy clean up once your done. Then take some flour and rub it on your hands. Swirl your hands around the bottom and the sides of your brownie pan. Only a light dusting of flour is needed. Place the baking paper on the bottom of the brownie pan opposite side of the drawing you made and then pour the batter evenly. You may have to shake it to make sure it gets evenly spread to the corners or use a flat knife.
At this point I sprinkled walnuts I blitz in my food processor on top of the brownies and then placed them in the oven. The trick is to set your timer for 12 minutes and then check the brownies in the middle of the batter with a toothpick. Once you stick the toothpick in the middle and pull it out know that you’re looking for a slighty wet consistency not raw. You should see slight crumbs and wetness not just batter for perfect brownies.
If by 12 minutes it still looks raw set your timer for another 10 minutes. Then check again by pricking the middle of the batter. It took me in total 28 minutes to make them and they were perfect but everyone’s oven is different so please keep an eye out and test with toothpick every 10 minutes. After 20 mins test every 3-5 minutes.
Letting Them Cool and How to Cut Them:
Once you’ve removed them from the oven you must let them cool. Let them cool for at least an hour before cutting. Once they have cooled you should be able to lift them off the bottom of the brownie pan and place them on the cutting board. No mess right?

For perfect brownie squares here’s how you do it. You start by cutting the brownies into four huge pieces. Cut the brownies down the middle and down the side. Then cut those four halves in half. After those four halves are halved cut them across. This will create 16 perfect brownies. These sweet treats are perfect with ice cream or alone. To store them cover with cling wrap and leave them on the counter or the fridge. In the fridge they last up 5 days on the counter 3 days. I strongly doubt by how good these brownies taste that they would have a chance to go bad. I promise these chocolate babies won’t last long. Enjoy them because I did!