Hip Hop
Erica Dixon of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Dumps Lil Scrappy! “The Wedding is Off!”
S2S Reports Erica Dixon’s not putting up with Lil Scrappy and his questionable ways anymore, and she’s calling off their wedding! Love and Hip Hop Season 2 Atlanta Premere Party So far, season 2 of “Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta” has been pretty tough on Erica and Scrappy’s relationship. While the pair, who share a daughter, have been working on walking down the aisle, Momma Dee has been trying to split them up by throwing his “friend” Shay “Buckeey” Johnson in between them. And let’s not forget the explosive family dinner where Erica got in Scrappy’s face about his mother’s continued disrespect. Love and Hip Hop Atlanta : Season 2…