Hip Hop
ODB and Eazy E will Be Performing at Rock Da Bells! 2pac did Coachella!
ODB and Eazy E will Be Performing at Rock Da Bells! 2pac did Coachella! http://www.cinemablend.com/ Reports Over a year ago, a Coachella festival stunt became a household phenomenon when festivalgoers were treated to a hologram that looked exactly like deceased rap star Tupac Shakur. Since then hologram possibilities from Jimi Hendrix to Elvis Presley have been expounded upon. While some famous names have been discussed, some new holograms are actually being put into reality for another music festival, and the rappers who will perform will be a bit more unexpected. Eazy-E and Ol’ Dirty Bastard will Rock the Bells during this fall’s festivals. Rock the Bells is a traveling hip-hop festival featuring alternative musical…