Dame Dash Kids Taken Away After Warrant Issued!
Dame Dash is angry and he has taken to his instagram to vent his frustration!
Just a day ago Dame Dash was served with a warrant for his arrest for back child support payments. Dash owes over 340,000.00 dollars to his ex-wife Rachel Roy. On his instagram Dame shared many photos of him being a supportive father and role model to his children.
In interviews always acknowledging them as the reason for him to leave a legacy behind. Well it seems that his ex-wife has other plans. She is demanding her money or he goes to jail. Dame posted these candid photos of him and his girls with these messages.

All I can do is have faith in the system and at some point I will be able to be a dad without the extortion and hopefully my relationship with my children won’t be damaged too much but I have faith in the fact that they know how much I loved them and just remember all of our moments when I’m not with them and they know that this is not what I want for them… They know how much I love them and I hope they don’t notice I’m not there but I will make up for it and @boogiedash will be there as the man in your life to protect you while I can’t whoever is next to them tell them I love them and miss them and I’ll be able to pick them up from school again soon…somebody ask their mothers is what they are trying to do is really worth it…if money is worth hurting the 1 man that will protect what they are supposed to love the most and where the logic is in that…and why would they listen to a man that tells them to put the man in jail that protects their kids and gets paid for it…where is the logic in that…put your child’s father in jail so he can get his legal fees paid and then they do it…wow

What kind of woman would try to put the father of their son Who just gave them 120 grand for a house outside of child support so his son would live the right way in jail over 23 grand and why is donell Suarez representing both of my baby mothers …Why would she take me to court for 23 grand after I just gave her a 120 and then try’s to put me in jail… Does this add up?…. Maybe someone that’s close to her should ask her honestly what she is doing and why she would do this to Lucky’s father over money knowing what kind of good dad that he is…why does money make people hurt kids?…this has to stop…good fathers shouldn’t go though this just for money….it’s so dark…and it only hurts the kids…somebody from the press please ask Cindy and donell Suarez why they would try to put me in jail even though I just gave her all that money and why she would wAnt me in jail over it…and how much donell will be getting paid for representing both my babymothers.,.what his strategic plan is ask Cindy if I’m a good generous dad and how she can put her personal agenda before her own child…how she can hurt her child for money… I’m gonna fight to raise my kid even if I have to go to jail…its for them not me ….something doesn’t smell right please some credible news paper do an investigation I’ve been getting extorted by my baby moms by donell Suarez for years…I’m supposed to be broke but I’ve been paying 10 grand a month in child support and if I miss a payment you see they will throw me in jail…please do the math… #mainlandmentality

What kind of mother would separate her kids from a good father who protects them and takes care of them in every way and would try to put them in jail over money…what kind of man would do that to a child for money…take there protector away so they can feed their kids #donnellsuarezisanerd lawyers and emotional women are a dangerous thing for good dads and good children and must be stopped… I’m gonna fight for mine they need me…but what kind of person does that #badtaste #corny

Miss my babies @ava_dash and Tallulah I’ll be able to be a father again soon#hustleforyourlastnamenotyourfirst some goofball piece of shit lawyer is going to legally pay for separating a good dad from his children just to make money in legal fees…a bad lawyer is the worst piece of shit on the earth they can’t have a soul…weak people will violate all principles and morals even hurt children for money after I make them pay karma is really gonna do a number on them #dashkarma #dontgetscared#coward #donnellsuarezisanerd
I think this is sad… Thoughts?

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