Dangerous Butt Injections: Vanity Wonder’s New Book “Shot Girls”

Vanity Wonder an ex-stripper has been making her media rounds in reference to her new book Shot Girls. The book talks about women who get illegal butt injections to sustain a certain lifestyle. In the clip she explains how she was getting up to 120 shots in each cheek to maintain her round rear. She also reveals that she became infected and had to use super glue to stop the leaking from her behind.
The exotic dancer wants to warn people about the dangers of the shots and how this “booty” game has become an overall competition among women. Strippers are a major part of the hip hop community. Most of them usually transition from the pole to the video screen. The bigger their butt the more money and exposure you can receive. Pole dancing is very competitive among the participates. So I can believe that she was getting more injections to make more money. Vanity reveals that she no longer dancing because of her focus on her book. She feel her time is better spent creating awareness among women about the shots.
When Vanity described her days of being injected she talks about a mother bringing her teenage daughter to get the shots. She also said the oldest women she saw get the shots was in her seventies. Vanity explained women can’t blame their choices to get injected on the industry because the majority of women do it due to being unhappy with their appearance. When asked what made her stop getting the injections she said it was the fact that she could have went to jail. The scariest thing to her was losing her children so she knew she had to stop.
Although the infection she received could have killed her, she was still more afraid of incarceration. The interesting part to me was when asked was she happy with the way she looked now she replied she wished her butt was a little smaller. She spent over 15,000.00 dollars for injections yet she wants a smaller butt. Check out the video and let me know your thoughts on booty injections..