Dear Jersey: My Girl is Too Jealous!
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Every time my girl and I go out she swears other women are looking at me and vice versa. When I tell her I only want her she doesn’t trust my words and thinks I’m liar.
A lot of the times she causes a scene and I am left making the peace. What can I do to get her to understand that I love her and am not interested in anyone else? Thanks!
Dear She’s Buggin,
I am sorry to hear that in public she keeps making a scene but every action deserves a reaction. Has she been cheated on by someone in the past or by you? There is something that is fueling this jealous behavior she is constantly displaying.
Now if you had an indiscretion with her then you need to make it clear that whatever you did you won’t allow to happen again and mean it. On her end if she accepts that then she needs to drop being jealous and work on the relationship.
If you didn’t do anything then a past experience is disrupting your union. You need to have a talk either way about the jealous antics. Make her be honest about her feelings towards you and the situation. If she says I don’t trust you or men then you need to make a choice within whether this is something you can deal with long term.
If it’s not you know what you have to do. Relationships are about growing not standing still. You can’t have her creating road blocks every time you go out. Either she is going to trust you or she’s not. That is the question you need the answer to and at that point you make a choice.
I hope I helped.
xoxo Jersey
Need Help email me: jersey@jerseyisnaked.com