Drake is Crying Again: “Girls Love Beyonce” featuring James Fauntleroy

Drake has released yet another emotional record called “Girls Love Beyonce”. The media is calling it an “ode to Beyonce” but the sample he was using was from Destiny’s Child. Them girls can’t ever get a break. Anyway I listened to the song and it felt very reminiscent of the opening scene of Bridget Jones Diary.
Drake has made other lonely joints such as “Bria” and “Sooner than later”. I am trying to figure out why he is so lonely in the ladies department? He is famous so he can get all the vagina he wants but I guess that even gets empty after awhile when it isn’t someone you really love. Poor Aubrey 🙁
I propose this stop looking on the stripper poles and go back to the suburbs and find people you can relate to. Find you a nice girl who you can be the “real” you around. You can’t relate to that hood life no matter how much you emerse yourself in that culture. So why look for a wife there? This why it isn’t working out. You can’t handle the wild women they just break your heart.
They’re rumors saying this song allegedly expresses his unresolved feelings for Rihanna. I hope not because this would be the lamest display of displaced emotions I have ever seen since Diddy “I Need Girl” days. Whose glad that era is over? I am! With that being said I don’t think the song is bad. I think it is perfect song to drown your sorrows in especially with alcohol and cry. We need these records for those times.
It reminds me of Keith Sweat and how he used to beg on the record. If you liked that back in day you will love “Girls Love Beyonce“. I still don’t even know why after listening to the song five times what ” Girls Love Beyonce” has to do with what he is saying on the track. Take a listen for yourself and you tell me. Is Drake begging on the track?