Empty Spaces and Changes Ahead!
As a little girl I used to be attached to things. I would hold on so tight that it would hurt me to let go. Over the last year my life has changed in such a way that I had no choice but to adapt and fast!
Empty Spaces and Changes Ahead!
I am so disappointed that my book Tequila Tiff is late! Due to me moving, and trying to get settled into my new place which has the view of the Burj Khalifa; it has been hard. I also have videos I haven’t even edited due to the craziness of my life.
Usually I would be freaking out but I guess I have grown a custom to the hustle and moving around. Me and my husband are experiencing the world in a whole new way. Some of the things you take for granted in the US you truly long for.
I remember the last time I moved I cried as the last box was loaded and the storage door shut. When I heard it slam to the floor and locked I knew I had no choice but to move on to the next adventure.
Here I am stuck in Dubai and don’t get me wrong it is a lovely country, the weather is great everyday, and there is a lot to learn. The only problem is that sometimes it feels like everyone is staring at you. It does become a bit over whelming but I have learned how to deal.
Now that just about everything is moved into my new place, I look around my old one as if it was just a room I occupied. It could be that I feel no connection to it which makes it easier to let go or I have developed a nomadic trait. 2014 well be an amazing year! I am busting my ass to try to get Tequila Tiff out before the year ends! Thanks for all your patiences!
I love you all and thanks for supporting me!