Engagement: Are You Wearing a “Hush” Ring?
Have you been engaged for awhile without any wedding plans? When bringing up moving forward does he always have an excuse? Did you have to argue for the ring you are wearing? Is he selling you wedding dreams he hasn’t been saving for?
If these scenario’s sound familiar you may indeed be wearing a hush ring. A hush ring is a pretend engagement that a man gives you to keep control and most importantly buy him time. A man will pacify you by given you what you want without real focus on follow through.

Once women accept this half ass attempt of forward movement they find themselves saying the most ridiculous shit for why nothing has manifested.
“Marriage is overrated!” “If it doesn’t work out I can just walk away.” “The divorce rate is so high so why ruin a good thing” “I know the value of my relationship I don’t need the law”
Don’t self-medicate with lies because your needs are being ignored. Find someone who will follow through because you accepted this man’s offer for a reason. The ring you were should be a representation of something that is supposed to be real. The ring is not supposed to be used for manipulation.
I have known quiet a few women who have worn these hush rings. These women would spew the same statements with confidence while wearing a ring and saying “I am the wife!”
The city of denial seems to have many vacancies and has become a popular playground for the misguided.I always use to asked them why waste your time in never never land with that peter pan ass dude?
Grow up Wendy! Close your damn window to this fucking foolishness.
Demand more from these men. Stop letting these men children wipe their feet on you. It is simple if someone asked you to get married and you say YES! It is because you want to be someone’s wife not to say marriage is overrated.
Stop making excuses about why you haven’t walked down the aisle. Pay attention to why he won’t go to the courthouse or the mayor’s office with your ass. Don’t let him sell you wedding dreams that he isn’t even saving for. If he proposes marriage then that comes with the responsibility of love and respect. How can accept a ring from a man who is using it for personal gain?
Understand that if a man really loves you he wouldn’t dare ask or give you something he can’t make good on. Ladies I am saying this to help you not to hurt you. Make sure the engagement is in motion not standing still. You don’t have to defend what’s real because it’s common knowledge.
Take off that hush ring and find the real thing.