Why Facebook Doesn’t Need to Know They Cheated
Social Media has become the newest tool used for scorned lovers to spread their obvious heartbreak. How does posting a photo of the alleged home wrecker mend your relationship or marriage?

The posting of your personal business is only entertainment for your friends list and those who follow you. I am in a private room on Facebook and the woman up above’s photo was the post of the evening. Apparently this woman is having sex with the user’s husband. The Facebook user is asking others to share this mess.
Here is another question, how does the amount of shares resolve the fact that your husband obviously has an issue keeping his penis to himself? To all the women out there who think this is the way it’s really not. You look crazy out here and people who are writing she’s a whore are the same ones calling you an idiot.
Let me talk to the female real quick who condones this behavior:
You can’t control people’s disrespectful actions but you can always change your reaction. Cheating is the greatest level of disrespect, but that’s where your values of self step in. Your husband and his new woman are laughing at you due to your display on Facebook. Hell I even laughed when I read shit like this.
Be thankful you know what type of individual your dealing with and take this opportunity to select new man who is worthy. Most importantly figuring out what you want. I am not going to pretend to know what goes on in people’s relationships but you have to demand a certain level of respect.
If your partner is not honoring you and you let it continue then it’s ultimately your fault. You have taught this person that is okay to cheat, lie, and disrespect you. All risks are measured with the amount of loss in mind. If there is never any loss, then there is no fear of being without.
Cheating happens to good people all the time but you can’t allow them to make you out of control. Posting things publicly that are a violation to others is a crime. Law enforcement frowns upon cyber bullying no matter what the reason. Facebook is not the place to handle private matters. Don’t abuse the status option for things we shouldn’t know about. Here I am all the way in Dubai and I am aware of this nonsense in your marriage.
I should not be privy to the inner workings or your marriage. I can’t tell you to leave your husband because it is your choice. I am going to tell you this before posting, saying, or doing think about how it will make you seem. Everything that makes us feel good isn’t good for us.
I wish you the best in your life and hope you can move on. A break from Facebook maybe needed until your emotions are sorted. The bad things that happen to us are only stones to build a stronger you.
Thank him for letting you know who he really was before wasting more of your time. One last point if you decide to stay and this happens again you have to as a woman own it. You knew what kind of man you have invested in so you can’t rally for a riot you started. Deal with this but not on social media.
Attract the happiness in your life and not hatred.
“Be the best possible version of yourself”
Other Facebook crimes of passion: