Friends and Lovers: Daysha and Chris

Friends and Lovers: Daysha and Chris
Daysha idly flipped through the channels while listening to Chris rummage through the kitchen, finishing dinner.
“Chris I’m hungry!”
“Ok baby, the food will be ready any minute. Give a brotha some time to hook it up for you. Go sit at the table and I’ll be out soon.”
Daysha took a seat at his dining table. Chris had already taken the time to set the table with red and black linens to suit the Valentine’s Day mood. She hadn’t noticed when she came in, but there on the table was a card with her name on the envelope and a bouquet of lilies lying beside it. She assumed that Chris wanted her to read it by directing her to go to the table, so she picked it up and read what was inside:
There are some things that are just inevitable.
And my falling in love with you is just one of those things.
“Oh my God,” Daysha whispered to herself. “Chris is in love with me?”
Daysha wasn’t sure what to think. She loved Chris as her best friend, but was she in love with him? All of a sudden, she wasn’t sure how deeply she felt for her best friend.
Chris and Daysha met in college. They became friends quickly while in a calculus study group. Although they never officially dated, they were always together. Neither was sure why they never became a couple, but it seemed as though the timing was never right. Both Daysha and Chris were dating people regularly and neither seemed to want to settle down.
By the time each of them were seniors in college, they had met and fallen in love with people who were active in the same groups they were. They still continued to stay in contact with each other even through the rough times each encountered in their personal lives. Whenever one of them was down, the other would be there for support. Years later, after the demise of their most serious relationships, Chris and Daysha were closer than ever.
Daysha continued to think about her feelings for Chris. She even had to admit to herself that she was attracted to him. In fact, she had always been. Chris was 6’1” and 250 lbs. He was very muscular for the most part, but clearly days behind the desk were starting to show a little in his midsection. Daysha didn’t mind at all because his strong chest and thick, defined arms made up for the lack of definition on his belly.
He was black and Puerto-Rican with skin the color of butter cream frosting and dark black hair cut low and close to his head. His facial hair was cut close as well with a goatee and thin side burns. At 27-years-old, Chris was a very accomplished man and took care of his daughter in spite of the nasty split with his ex. Daysha had always loved that he was a man of his word and took care of business.
As Daysha drifted off in thought, Chris came into the dining room. He was holding a tray with her favorite dish of orange glazed chicken garnished with sweet apples and cinnamon. It was a recipe Chris found online and Daysha loved it from the moment she tasted it. Served along with the chicken was a sweet potato casserole and asparagus tips. After setting the plates on the table, Chris returned to the kitchen to get some wine. Once he sat down, he poured them each a glass of chardonnay.
“I read the card,” Daysha said softly, “How long have you been feeling this way?”
Chris cleared his throat before answering her.
“Baby, I’ve felt this way for years. We were both in relationships and I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t tell you this when you were with Mike.”
Daysha searched her heart for the right words to tell Chris, but the more she thought about it, the more she knew what her heart was telling her.
“Chris…I love you too.”
Daysha couldn’t believe what she’d just said to him, but all along she knew that is what she felt. Chris had been there for her when no one else had. She’d even imagined what it would like to be with him and not Mike. On some occasions she went to bed wondering if Chris would be a more attentive lover than her husband. As much as she hated to admit it, she’d been living in denial.
“I hadn’t realized it until I read this card…but Chris, I’ve always wanted you.”
She watched as a huge smile spread across his face.
“Baby, I’ve waited years to hear you say that to me!”
As beautiful and fragrant as the meal was, it was soon forgotten. Chris got up from the table and wrapped his arms around Daysha. He had given her playful kisses before, but this time there was strong emotion behind his actions as he placed his soft lips against hers. He lifted her small 5’3” frame from the chair and held her up in his arms.
Although Daysha was short, she was quite thick and shapely. She had ample breasts, a small waist, and thick hips, thighs, and butt. Chris had waited years to touch her in this way and loved the way his hands felt on her soft, feminine body.
“I’m scared Chris,” Daysha mumbled in between kisses, “I don’t want this to change things between us.
“Shhhh,” he whispered placing his finger against her lips to silence her, “Let’s enjoy this moment…to be continued next Sunday…