George Zimmerman: From Murder to Possible Sex Offender! Whoa!
George Zimmerman has made news waves all around the world for the death of 17 year old Trayvon Martin. Now Zimmerman is facing charges from a family member for molestation. His female cousin claims that she was molested for over a decade and everyone knew it. She also claims that she didn’t know any better and that’s why she didn’t speak sooner.
“We’d all lay in front of the TV and we had pillows and blankets and he would reach under the blankets and try to do things and I would try to push him off but he was bigger and stronger and older,” the woman said.
“It was in front of everybody and I don’t know how I didn’t say anything, I just didn’t know any better.”
George Zimmerman Verdict Not Guilty
Zimmerman’s lawyers released a statement basically saying the molestation case has nothing to do with Trayvon Martin case. When it actually did. Zimmerman’s defense team fought to keep that evidence from the trial. Evidence of his own cousin claiming that the family was indeed racist.
This is a sick sad world that we live in. It is so scary that an individual like this can kill someone, get off, and then be handed back the gun he used to commit the crime. At this point their hasn’t been any responses from Zimmerman specifically about the molestation case or the not guilty verdict of Trayvon Martin.
Trayvon Martin: Will Justice Be served
I guess his face said it all when he smiled after the not guilty verdict was read. Zimmerman’s cousin according to the Huff Post claims that his family is extremely prejudice towards African-American people.
“I was afraid that he may have done something because the kid was black,” the witness told investigators. “Because growing up they’ve always made, him and his family have always made statements that they don’t like black people if they don’t act like white people. They like black people if they act white and other than that, they talk a lot of bad things about black people.”
Zimmerman’s mom on our president:
“I don’t like Obama,” the woman claimed Zimmerman’s mother stated. “She said, ‘because he is black and I am a racist.’”
The ex-fiancee’ of George Zimmerman also added that Zimmerman’s mother believed in “marrying into white families in order to improve one’s status.”
The cousin of Zimmerman claims she was molested from ages 6 to 19. The victim also claims that there was another woman she knew that had been touched but she refuses to come forward. The victim says the woman told her if her story gets out she would deny it.
I wonder how it was possible for them to bury these statements that could have helped get justice for Trayvon? Well let’s see his legal team get him out of this one. This world is a scary place.
His Cousin’s Testimony

That video is from a year ago. It’s about as worthless as you are. And that’s saying quite a lot.
Thanks for your support…have a good day. The tapes were from March to be exact. Again thanks for stopping by.