George Zimmerman: Not Guilty
George Zimmerman has been found not guilty of murder in the second degree and manslaughter of Trayvon Martin.
Today is a sad day for the Martin family knowing that the killer of their son gets to have a second chance at life meanwhile their son is dead. This case has changed me as an African American. All it has taught me is my life is meaningless, I can be followed, and killed at a moments notice.
Trayvon Martin: Was Justice Really Served? Click Here
It is a shame that I wasn’t surprised that the verdict went in Zimmerman’s favor but it doesn’t make this any less sad. This case will be a template for others to get off if it happens again. Lawyers will be using this case in their defense to get them off for taking innocent lives.
More on George Zimmerman…Click Here
In times like this you wish there was more you could do, something you could say to bring some sort of comfort. How do you comfort parents who will never see their son again? How do you tell them everything is going to be alright when their son was killed senselessly?
It has been said that people were cheering at the verdict and George Zimmerman even cracked a smile. How can you cheer when someone has died? I guess this is a situation where you have to let go and let God. I keep his family in my prayers and I hope Trayvon is resting in peace.
There is a petition going around in reference to a civil suit. So we can still help the family in some way.
Click Here to Sign the Petition
God Help Us All