God Isn’t A Bully!
I consider myself a very spiritual person. I whole heartily feel that your relationship with God is yours and his. This relationship is one of a private matter. I think that it isn’t something to be proved to those who are walking sin like yourself. If we are so busy proving to man we are worthy of God, who are we really serving?
I make all kinds of mistakes everyday. Some I am aware of and some I am not. All I can do is ask God to help me to be the best possible version of myself while serving him. I am not going to say I can’t stand radicals in God or as society calls them bible thumpers because then I would need to question my own faith and what that really means.
I appreciate meeting people whose Godly spirit cascades their flesh. The kind of people who are lit from within with joy and just offer everlasting love. You just feel their energy when you meet them. God’s spirit just radiants through them and their presence just touches you, you know? Have you ever met someone like that? I remember when I was younger we had a woman in our church named Sister Margie.
Sister Margie was just the sweetest woman you ever wanted to meet. She was a woman of God in all it’s forms but I also think her nature was just to give. She adores us children and we loved her. I learned a lot from her when I went to my childhood church. She was a real person who just had that inner joy.
I remember when my mother introduced me to God it was in a small church in Tangipohoa, LA. In that small town I attended bible camp. It was then I understood how important it is to treat others well. I also realized the importance of courtesy and understanding. The spirit of helping others has always come natural to me and during that time I found out why.
When I was in bible camp I remember making a can which I wrapped in green fabric with a rose attached. In the middle of the can I had a scripture about the importance of giving and helping others. I can’t recall the exact one because it was a million years ago but I remember this detail because I had to speak in front of the church about why I chose it. My mom dressed me in a blue and white dress suit. I felt so important and powerful in my blue outfit.
As I grew up it became my choice to attend church and I did once in awhile. Then eventually I sought out spirituality in other places while holding onto my core values in God.
Now if you asked me to name all the verses in the bible I wouldn’t be able to but I know I have faith. I have faith that God is everywhere and watching. I have faith that God will take care of me and my family. I have faith that I have chosen the right husband and that he will be the best life partner. I just believe that God will and has always been by my side my whole life.
It makes me sad to see when people use religion to divide others when it is here to do the opposite. God is love and if you know nothing else that should reign true. God is not at the root of meanness or destruction. God is about being open to accept and forgive. It upsets me horrifically to see this behavior of some people who are using God to be a bully. God isn’t a bully. He saves!
God scriptures are not weapons they are meaningful words that should be applied to our lives for the greater good. It is not a sword used to shred those you feel don’t know God. It is not words to be used to condemn or to tear down. How is the judgement of others by using God attractive to someone you feel is a “lost” soul?
Hiding behind the words of God to run a smear campaign of others is not christ like at all. Instead of telling someone what they shouldn’t be doing show them what they should. Shine your light in away that is peaceful and not combative.
Besides, when we all take our last breath and our soul is released we are all in the same line hoping that our precious God we serve has mercy on our imperfect souls.