Happy New Year! What Now?
Happy New Year Everyone!
The ball has dropped and now we’ve entered 2020! The spirit of opportunity is in the air and we’re all-embracing it. We’re all excited to start something new. The New Year represents a clean slate and reflection.
As we break the new plastic from those 2020 planners with eagerness to be new, let’s think back to how we all got here? What have I done? How did I spend my time? Was it meaningful?
How Did I Get Here?
In 2019, I grew emotionally. The death of my son taught me a lot and revealed a strength I never knew I had. Working with my therapist, exercising, and being more open with my feelings provided me a path of healing.
Am I healed? No, I’m not. I don’t think it is possible to truly be mended from that level of trauma. That energy stays with you always. My new coping mechanisms allow me to articulate my thoughts without feeling imprisoned by them. I am free.
What’s New Professionally?
Professionally, I’ve had a few moments of self-discovery. I discovered that the career that I need to be in has to be one with creativity. I’ve always known writing was my true passion. I need that connection professionally to keep me balanced.
In my current role, my duties are streamlined with little room to be creative. I find myself filling those gaps in other ways that move my company culture forward. The creative space is where I know I will thrive.
Have I Decided on a Career Change?
In 2020, I want to select employment in an intentional way. I want to a career where I am writing full time. I’ve decided to complete my bachelor this year.
I’m looking forward to completing my degree and earning EQ certification this year. Emotional Intelligence is a great skill to build upon. Developing openness, self-awareness, and a deeper understanding is referent power.
Has 2019 Changed Me?
Was 2019 meaningful? In my heart, I believe it was. I experienced real growth, pushed my body to new limits, and tried a lot of new things. The highs and lows of 2019 have shaped me into something new.
This year I have an overwhelming feeling of hope. Inside I have established a fight song that I can hear daily to move me forward. I feel it will be my mantra to succeed. I can’t wait to see what I will do next in 2020.
Cheers to the New Year!
I love you for reading,
Proud Moments of 2019