Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving to all who have supported me and my vision.
I woke up today thinking I would feel sad due to me not being able to see the usual faces around the table. The holidays have always been huge in my family. I remember so many holidays with my aunts, uncles, cousins, mother, and grandparents. The smell of sweet potato pie and Jersey club in the background. Everyone laughing and dancing. Of course there was some drinking but I was too young at that point.
We would just get together and just love on one another. Those moments have always been cherished and protected in my heart. Now that we are all spread apart through out the world today I start new memories. This is my first Thanksgiving as a married woman. My first real Thanksgiving away from home and I am sharing it with the sweetest man God could have chosen for me my husband.
I have incorporated my family in so many ways and they don’t even know it. I made sweet potato cheesecake to remind of my mother. My mom has always made happy smells and happy music. I miss her all the time. When I see her I am sure I will cry. Shut up! I am a momma’s girl and she knows that. Love you mommy!
I made a few jokes in bad taste to remind me of my pop pop. I gave some orders to remind of my nana. She is so bossy but I love her. I have some Jersey club rocking thinking of my auntie. I miss and love her laugh. When you hear it you can’t help but to smile.
I tasted my pork roast and sucked on my fingers and then started to shake them off like my uncle Dennis. I wonder if he still sneaks in the pots? I owe him everything for my love of music. I love you Uncle Denny Coo! Then I realized as much as I miss them they are all right here in my heart.
I hope everyone has a beautiful Thanksgiving. As I am thinking of my family I want you to have the most beautiful time with yours.