Have You Accepted Yeezus Into Your Heart?
Kanye West has a feature is the most popular book ever read, The Bible!

This is by far the most ridiculous thing I’ve read. I guess they needed a book for the church that was started in his name. The book is on sale on Esty.com for 20.00.
E! Onilne Reports:

All hail, Kanye West!
Fans of the 37-year-old rapper have taken their devotion to his music to a surprising new level. The Etsy user The Book of Yeesuz is now selling a $20 bible where every mention of God’s name has been replaced with ‘’Kanye” or ‘’Yeezus” (we are not making this up). According to the site, the handmade hardcover book is “a novelty coffee-table book, celebrating the grandeur of mega-icon Kanye West. This is the Bible for the New Age.”
“What if the Bible, the most singularly significant publication in the ancient canon of Western tradition, were updated to reflect our modern society? What would it look like?” the users explain.
“At it’s simplest, it is the book of Genesis, modified to feature ‘Kanye’ or ‘Yeezus’ in the place of God or Y—A. ‘In the beginning Kanye created the heaven and the earth…And Kanye said, Let there be light: and there was light,” they continue. “In a sense, Kanye’s awesome and orchestrated spectacle is truly a religious experience. In a foreword, we explore our consumerist, quick-fix, and information-culture, and celebrate Kanye and the outsized significance he plays in our lives. All of this, bound in a black, hard-cover gold-leaf imprinted book.”