While approaching my 34th birthday I wanted to do something edgy maybe a little crazy to kick off my new age! So I started to think, maybe I could get a new tattoo? No, that would be too much pain. Maybe pick a town I had never been to and hang for the day for inspiration? Nah, that sounds too much like work. As I continued my inner dialogue, I realized I wanted to do something much more relaxing. How about a beauty treatment? Yes! I started to google beauty treatments and came across a V-Steam better known as a Yoni Steam. So, in wake of my most popular video on YouTube Is Your Vagina Clean?I decided to try a V-Steam.
What is a Yoni Steam?
On the Yoni Throne
I was wondering what benefits come from a V-Steam? What is a Yoni-Steam? A Yoni-Steam is also known as vaginal steaming. This is a practice in which a woman allows the warmth of herbal steam to permeate the exterior of their vagina. These treatments are respected by healers around the globe. Yoni steaming is an opportunity to reconnect with your body and utilize the wisdom of plant medicine to heal your cycle.
When I found out the general idea of what the treatment was, I did even more research. I discovered that women have been steaming their “Yoni’s” for 100’s of years. The steaming remedies all types of things from fertility to the balance of your PH. It also helps heal any trauma the womb may have come in contact with. Trauma can be caused by bad experiences, sex, relationships, etc. However, the most important reason women steam is to stay close to nature and be one with their own femininity. The experience of the V-Steam from what I understood is almost spiritual due to the re-connection with your body through meditation during the treatment session. I needed to experience this for myself. So I made an appointment for a friend and I at the Amb Day Spa located in Cary, NC.
Marcelle then picked me up and we headed to Amb Day Spa. On arrival I already knew what to expect but I still asked myself, was this going to weird? Were Marcelle and I really going to be in a dim-lit room commando casual listening to earth tones while smelling eucalyptus? Was this really ok? Although a little nervous I proceeded forward. As we walked into AMB Day Spa, the sounds of waves crashing, clean smells, and calm energy filled the room.
AMB greeted us with the warmest smile and then gave us some forms to fill out to explain the V-Steam treatment in detail and to ensure a safe comfortable experience. Once we filled out the forms, she sat with us and offered excellent information about self-care of our Yoni‘s. She also advised us of how important this organ was and the daily trauma it goes through as it is the source of all life. After she gave us a verbal introduction to the treatment it was finally time to get the Yoni Steam. AMB had us change into a Yoni gown to get the treatment. We removed our under garments and put on the Yoni dress.
It was long, colorful, and beautiful. We were then escorted into the Yoni Steam room. In this room we found herbs, tranquil sounds, dim lighting, and our Yoni thrones.
What is in a Yoni Steam?
The steam we chose was an introductory mix of herbs and flowers. It was rose petals, lavender, and other dried herbs. She poured hot water over the herbs and flowers to activate them for steaming. She placed the bowl of hot herbs and flowers under the Yoni throne and asked us to sit. Once seated we pulled our gowns around the throne’s base and she also placed blankets over us to trap the steam. She advised us that we should meditate and release anything we want to while being one with our bodies. She left the room and we then started steamed. The heat was gradual. It did not have a burning sensation. It was just warm air. While steaming you could smell the herbs and flowers used. The smell was very fragrant. As we relaxed, she brought us some Wild Orchid tea and continued the treatment for 40 minutes.
Marcelle and I on our Thrones
I know what you are thinking, this had to be VERY uncomfortable sitting for 40 minutes? Actually it was very relaxing. She supplied us with big fluffy pillows for back support and the chair (throne) was very soft. The time passed way too quickly and before I knew it the treatment was over. After that I got a facial/massage and that was amazing too. It was so good that it almost put me to sleep. I thanked AMB for her services and told her I would return.
When I arrived back home later that evening I started to experience some of the side effects of the steam. My vagina area was juicier than usual and it smelled like roses/lavender. Even using the restroom it continued to smell floral. I did experience very mild cramping but it only lasted a few minutes. However, I could have just been hungry. The V-Steam has also been connected to enhancing your sex life. AMB advised us that her client’s admit that their husband’s can tell the difference between a Yoni that has been steamed verses non-steamed.
Apparently, there is a difference as my husband said there is a tingling/menthol feeling when intimate. He explained that it was a different experience other than before. Now would I suggest this to you? Yes, I would. It is very relaxing and it does make you feel in touch with your body. If you are nervous about this type of thing take a friend. It can be something you guys can share. I am so glad I did and I will be doing it again.
I am a blogger who writes entertainment news, celebrity gossip, and original content. My original content consist of short stories, unsigned artist write-ups, along with other displays of artistic expression.