I Brought My First Bikini From Forever 21!
Forever 21 is killing the game for us Plus Size Cuties! They have affordable and cute looks for us ladies. I have been purchasing a lot of their clothes lately and I couldn’t be happier with the results. I even brought a bikini! I know a plus size chick in a bikini!

Society has totally fucked our minds as women. We think about our bodies all the time. I honestly feel the emphasis on us looking good is worse then men. We always have to look our best and constantly questioning our imperfections. When I went on forever21.com and browsed the bathing suits my first thought wasn’t bikini. My mind is programmed to think due to my size that I am automatically supposed to be in a one piece. Why do I think that? Why am I convinced that I don’t belong in that type of suit?

Maybe because of all the propaganda that surrounds swimsuit season? I have always been a risk taker in fashion. When someone tells me no I figure out a way to tell them shut the fuck up! So as soon as I saw that they had bikini’s in that section I order not one but three. Although confident I still had reservations about trying them on once I received them. I shook it off and dived in. I put on the bikini’s and wore them all around the house. I was so comfortable in the fact I was baring my midriff. I was like I love bikini’s!
Feeling sexy in my own skin I shredded what society tells me and decided to be myself. Being beautiful is something that comes from within the rest is cosmetic. We as women are so hard on ourselves and should be more accepting of our body image. Wearing this bikini taught me just that. Love the skin that you are in because it is yours and no one else’s.

Forever 21 unlike a lot of other plus size stores clothes don’t break the bank. The clothes at other stores start at 50.00 dollars for a dress and are very mature looking. Just because you are plus sized doesn’t mean you need to dress older than you are. I feel that their clothes makes it easy for you to feel young, pretty, and comfortable.
I generally shop online for clothes hardly in the mall because I hate the mall. I might be the only female to say that. I love the comfort of being at home browsing the plus size section and a lot of the times the things online aren’t even in the store. It is also cheaper most times to shop there. Most people don’t realize that but I do.
Shop online and check out Forever 21’s swimsuits and clothes. Watch and subscribe to my channel to see tutorial I did on their Bikini’s!
Oh yes and remember “Be the best possible version of yourself.”