I Picked Up a Pen 2nite
hoping it would set me free
like a slave running
I picked up a pen 2nite
hoping that the feelings I have can stop stuntin
Sitting here fronting
Seeing your face and still not saying nothing
I picked up a pen 2nite
then wished on a star
praying for a perfect world
One where moons were big
and stars were bright
Where love was made
Made so beautiful that you had to hold it tight
I picked up a pen 2nite
As I wrote…. the letters started to form your face
One that is distinguished, pleasant, and somewhat complexed
Your stucture tells a story
Showing hard times of pain or even worry
I picked up a pen 2nite
hoping that my words could reach you
before I read them
before my pen finess them
bless them …shit even stress them
I picked up a pen 2nite
and thought of you
touching my hand
thinking to oneself
When God made you
So imperfectly perfect
That when he was done
He knew you were worth it
Kissing your lips
Is nothing short of a blessing
Just a moment of connection
A moment of a true kings affection
Open my eyes to see yours
staring back at me
You…. display….. promise…. of a better day
Promise… of beautiful poetic words to say
Touching my very soul with your glance
at the sametime being greetful
for this chance
for this moment
for this day
for the gift that is you
If we never speak again
I will always remember this night
The night I picked up a pen
The night I wrote words
of depth and connection
words of love promises
and full wishes
Coming from a floists in a poetic form
I write you these words because…
You… have touched me… in a place
that is center
A place that is warm
A place… that is me….