Instagram Promoters: Tips to Keep You Safe!
As a small business you’re always looking to brand and create company awareness. Social networking is the leading resource for exposure today. It’s appeal lies within its impulse reaction from the consumer.
On Social Media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and now Instagram you can find many people using their personal accounts to promote small business. It is a great source of income for those who have a ton of followers and a great selling point to get people to buy into this concept.
I contacted a few Instagram promoters in regards to their rate information and I was shocked. The emails I received from their gmail accounts no less were forwards that had been sent to everyone with no real explanation of how the plans worked.
They had no reference to you as the potential customer, no thank you for your inquiry, no asking you how they could cater to what you needed, and no real interest in your business outside of their Paypal payment receipt in order to start a real conversation.
I am sure I will sound like a little shit for writing this but I can’t take people seriously who are running a marketing business with gmail accounts. If you are a business you should be investing in yourself to appear serious. I frown when I see (theirbusiness@gmail.com). It tells me that your fucking cheap.
Not to say that people can’t give you great customer service from a gmail account however if you are charging over a 100 dollars for 8 hours of unexplained service attached with fees then you should be able to afford an email address right?
I was blown away by the way these people are doing business. As a small business I feel it is my responsibility to let you know what to look out for when you are using these people to promote you.
When contacting someone whom is using their personal profile on Instagram to promote you know that there is no real way to track their stats with previous customers unless they give you access.
If you do receive a proper email response to your inquiry including your name, what you needed, and how they could help you just ask.
Or investigate the current campaigns running via their pages by reaching out to those customers on your own. Remember this is your money and it is an investment in your business. So you always want to spend money smart.
Also if you contact them and they don’t address you by name and just send you the same email they forward  everyone else is a sign of how they would treat your campaign. You should also look for some sort of guarantee, It shouldn’t be the consumer taking all the risk and the seller with all the reward.

It should be something in your agreement where they are held accountable for the service they’re offering. Don’t give anyone any money who doesn’t offer a conversation or an explanation of their service unless they get payment. You shouldn’t have to “pay” for customer service.
The NO REFUND is a clause for them not to be responsible for what happens during your campaign. You need some sort of security. Even if it’s not getting all your money back but some way they will make certain that you will get GREAT service.
I hope these tips helped you when hiring an Instagram promoter. Just be mindful and smart when making choices. It is easy to be blinded by someone’s followers but make sure their business ethics match. Remember always feel good about your purchase.
Your welcome 🙂