Is Nicki Minaj Toying With Nazi Imagery?
Nicki Minaj just released a new video called “Only” featuring Chris Brown, Drake, and Lil Wayne. The imagery in the video does give you a Hitler feel and Holocaust vibe. I guess she thought it was okay because it didn’t offend Jewish rapper Drake.

I am not a fan of her music but she is getting a lot of backlash from this video which is basically a cartoon. I understand from their prospective that they wanted to represent an army who is dominating the music industry but this is a bit much. I was uncomfortable as well watching because of what those images meant and how many people were lost in the process.
I think sometimes artistic expression can go too far and in this case it did. I know her public relations team knew this video would get people talking due to its sensitive visual elements. Hopefully she is ready to answer a lot of questions because this video was no Anaconda.
Here’s the video. Tell me what you think?
Nicki Minaj has responded to the allegations with this statement “I didn’t come up w/the concept, but I’m very sorry & take full responsibility if it has offended anyone. I’d never condone Nazism in my art.” TMZ reports