Jersey’s: 5 Ways to Stay Happy In a Relationship!
5 Ways to Stay Happy In a Relationship!
Combining lives despite where you are personally/professionally is always a challenge. As we age we develop single self behaviors that we grow to know and love. These single self behaviors may not mesh well with your partner who see’s life slightly differently.
In a relationship it is what you want versus what they want and a lot of times those things are very different. So your thinking to yourself how do I do this? Well no problem I am here to help. I’ve come up with the five best ways to stay happy in a relationship. Now I can’t say this will be easy, but it’s worth it for a long lasting healthy partnership.

Be Good Friends
You and your mate need to be “Good” friends. Now when you have a “good” friend it doesn’t mean that you get along all the time, but as your friend they understand the value of you being in their life. With that knowledge they are more likely to work to keep you. By being friends you and your partner will build a strong foundation that will form unbreakable love.
A good friend has a level of importance to care for you on multiple levels, layers, and changes. A good friend stands by you through everything as should your mate. Friends grow with you and hold you to the highest regard. A good friend has a warm place in our hearts that is everlasting.

Be Honest
Be honest about what you can offer and what you expect. Don’t create situations that you can’t keep up with. Lay your cards on the table so your partner can understand who you really are on a deeper level. By allowing yourself to be open this creates beautiful intimacy. Let’s face it women and men despite sexual orientation want to be with someone they can trust. It is easier to lay next to someone who keeps it real than someone you feel you need to investigate.

Put them First
Granted we all have responsibilities as adults but when you are in a relationship you want to feel special. Now contrary to what some women and men believe this comes with a price tag. This is not true at all. You could simply write a love note, give a hug for no reason, or cook nice meal to show your partner that you are appreciative of them. It is very important that your partner feels at all times that they are one of the most important parts of your life. Making them feel special daily is the key to having success in a relationship.

I can not stress enough how important listening is in a relationship of any kind. You have to allow your partner to communicate with you and be an active listener. What this means is making sure your partner knows that what they are saying whether it is a problem or a solution is valued and important. In a relationship being able to have the ability to be heard is necessary.

In a relationship is it very important to communicate good and bad feelings in a healthy way. Communicating to your partner is their window to know what is happening inside of you. They’re not mind readers to know when you need something from them. It is your job to tell them in a respectful way what you need. Healthy communication does not involve anger. The reason I say this is because the point is never really heard when your yelling because people are only paying attention to the volume of your voice not the message.
Please remember to respect your partner when you are conversing with them. When explaining an issue that you may need changed is not an opportunity to violate one another. It is a mere teaching moment so both parties can be educated on how to be better partners.
I hope these five points helped you in your relationship. Love Happy!