Kanye Goes HAM Yet Again at LAX on TMZ! (VIDEO)
Kanye West was seen at LAX a couple of days ago and got into a confrontation with the TMZ paps! As he got out of his town car the paps were on him saying how they loved his new album “Yeezus” and saying nice things. Then Kanye takes his hand covers the camera and tells him “Don’t Talk to Me or Anybody I Know!” then adding “Don’t Talk to Yourself!”
Kanye West Goes Ham on Paps With Kim Kardashian! After Running Into a Pole!
Then the pap replied I am a reporter and a big fan. He then asked any word on “Watch the Throne 2”? At that point Kanye turns around and lounges at the reporter then TMZ fades to black.
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I really don’t understand why Kanye does this? He knows that when he goes nuts all they are going to do is use it to call him crazy. I am not aware of why he doesn’t understand who he impregnated was a media whore and the paps created her career. It’s almost like Kanye didn’t even consider by dating Kim that he would have an increasing amount of attention.
At this point it just looks dumb. He needs to roll with his new life and understand all of Kim Kardashian’s baggage comes with it. As long as he still has a career and she is still on her reality show, the paps will follow you. You want them to stop? Then stop doing music or find a quieter way to make money. If you make money in the spotlight people will find you and invade your life.
The rich and famous lifestyle has cameras, reporters, and fans. So sorry Kanye your days of privacy are over thanks to Kim Kardashian and your rap career.