Kanye Sends Private Jet to Greece to Pick Up Kim!
It must be nice to have your man send a private jet to come and get you Kim. Apparently Kim was missing her man Kanye while she was vacationing with family in Greece. So she made the call to Kanye and said I want to come to Paris with you. So he sent the jet to get her. Kanye and Kim were last together in NYC last week for 3 days. It is rumored that she keeps in contact with him at all times of the day while keeping her engagements.

It must be hard being pregnant and not being around the father for month’s despite his work schedule. I can only imagine how needy a woman is during pregnancy especially during the final trimester. Kim is six months pregnant and they plan to give birth in July. They have managed to keep the sex of the baby secret. I am actually more interested in what happens after the baby is born. I wonder if she will even continue to do “Keeping up the Kardashians”?
Kanye probably doesn’t want the child to be sensationalize on the E! network. This pregnancy could change a lot of things for Kim beside her body. All we can do is wait and see how they handle it. I am sure it will be more blankets over the child’s face just like Blue (Jay Z and Beyonce daughter) had for the whole first year of her life.

Now we see her everywhere. I guess Beyonce and Jay couldn’t hide her any longer. They do get old enough to where they start to pull those blankets off their faces. Watching Kanye and Kim as parents should be very interesting. I am sure the world will have a front row seat.