Katy Perry: I Learned About My Divorce Through a Text Message!
Katy Perry: I Learned About My Divorce Through a Text Message!
Katy Perry recently opened up to Vogue about her divorce from comedian Russell Brand. It has been over a year since the divorce has been final and she is finally ready to talk. Perry claims that Brand advised her he wanted a divorce through text message on New Year’s Eve.
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When asked about her ex husband her quote was:
“He’s a very smart man, a magical man,” she first sings praise for her former husband, “And I was in love with him when I married him.” She then dishes on, “Let’s just say I haven’t heard from him since he texted me saying he was divorcing me December 31, 2011.”
The Firework songstress claims she was on a world tour when her marriage was coming to an end. She blames herself for her busy schedule and being on the road for the demise of her marriage. Although she explained her part in why the marriage ended she said Brand had a hand in it to because he had a hard time coping with being married to a strong woman. In my mind that translates to her being a bigger star than him.
Perry Says:
“I have to claim my own responsibility in things. I do admit that I was on the road a lot. Although I invited him time and time again, and I tried to come home as much as I possibly could,” she says.
“At first when I met him he wanted an equal, and I think a lot of times strong men do want an equal, but then they get that equal and they’re like, ‘I can’t handle it.’ He didn’t like the atmosphere of me being the boss on tour. So that was really hurtful, and it was very controlling, which was upsetting.”
She also adds “I felt a lot of responsibility for it ending, but then I found out the real truth, which I can’t necessarily disclose because I keep it locked in my safe for a rainy day.” She adds, “I let go and I was like, ‘This isn’t because of me; this is beyond me.’ ”
In the interview she was also asked if she thought Brand was funny and how she felt about John Mayer. She says Russell was “hysterical” but she did catch him making fun of her when he didn’t know she was in the audience. When asked about John Mayer her response was:
“Beautiful mind, tortured soul. I do have to figure out why I am attracted to these broken birds,” she wonders, but still holds out hope of finding the one, “I believe that I will be loved again, in the right way. I know I’m worth it.”
“I was madly in love with him. I still am madly in love with him. All I can say about that relationship is that he’s got a beautiful mind.”
She confirms her relationship with Mayer is over and it just looks like she is ready to move on with her life. We wish her luck in love.