How Do You Keep It Going?
As women we go through so many inner changes that ultimately effect our physical appearance. When we are in a mental space that makes us feel sad or angry we tend to look older. When we feel inadequate in life the first thing we do is rip ourselves down. It is easy to forget all things accomplished when the one thing you counted on doesn’t workout.
Trust me, I have been there a million times. What I do so I won’t stay in a funky mood about my let down is to remind myself of the positives. It is always easier to point out the negatives when you are unhappy with the outcome. It is much harder to find the positives when you’re already sad.
We can always use a well kept appearance to mask our true feelings inside. Being angry/sad about your life does not change it’s current status it only makes it worse because there is no movement. When you are angry/sad it is hard to focus to make positive changes because your attitude is in the wrong space.
It takes so much more energy to frown and stay mad than it does to smile. It takes less energy to laugh, give someone a hug, or relax period. Staying in that mental space allows depression to play on your emotions. I know you read this and say who thinks of positives right away? That’s not realistic?
Your absolutely right! You must have your snow angel moment on the floor where you embody a seven year-old. This way you’re letting go of it. The crying is ejecting it from your life. After you release it then you get up and go to the mirror. Once you find yourself in front of the mirror you remind yourself of your achievements. Then realize this short coming doesn’t overshadow everything else that has worked for you past and present.
Repeat to yourself that your life would have no depth if everything came easy to you. Understand that your disappointment is just a reminder that you need to work a little harder for the result you desire. The fact you tried is not a result of failure it is a confirmation that you aren’t a quitter. Sometimes it takes one, two, even three tries to achieve your goal.
You have to push. Push forward towards your hopes, dreams, and aspirations. This land and this life was made for you to experience joy. This life was created for smiles not tears. If you notice tears only last a second because they are a temporary emotion.
Remember you are special and your path was designed differently than others. Loving yourself and pushing towards your goals is inner beauty. This beauty will show and shine to others. That type of light is blinding and leaves a lasting impression.