Kim Kardashian and Her Sisters Sue Stepmother over Father’s Diary

Kim Kardashian and her sisters are taking legal action against their stepmother Ellen Pearson. Pearson has a diary written by her late husband Robert Kardashian. The diary reveals very private details about Kris Jenner’s affair and their marriage. Pearson wants to release the diary to the public.
Why would Ellen Pearson Do this?
On Thursday April 4th the Kardashian’s filed a lawsuit against Pearson. Kim Kardashian and her sisters feel Pearson has plotted an despicable and unlawful scheme to release information held in secret. They also feel this is an exploitation of their father’s private thoughts. According to the Kardashian family these documents are copyright protected.
The Kardashian’s and Jenner claim they had no knowledge of this diary until currently. The sisters are suing for conversion and copyright infringement. Also at least $500,000 in damages and profits. I hope Ellen Pearson has a good lawyer for this lawsuit because she will need it.
I must admit this left me thinking. I wonder why Ellen Pearson would want to expose those intimate details so badly? This sounds like some sort of revenge if you ask me.