Latoya’s Life Goes IN on Internet Trolls! (VIDEO)
Latoya’s Life, popular YouTube vlog has responded to their internet haters in a short segment called Trolling. Trolling is the action of hateful comments posted online by users on social media platforms.
Trolls are identified by their ambiguous photo or none at all attached to a profile with no information. They are the people who keep the comment threads long and the insults going. Their presence on any of your social media ensure clicks, arguments and shares. I’ve watched Latoya’s Life and I’ve read some of the comments like this:

and this

So the question is, when does an opinion become a person trolling you? Although these comments were harsh, are we that detached from reality to think we are above internet criticism? My thoughts are the internet is a fucked up place and not for the faint of heart.
Some people are going to ride with you and others are going to run over you. The bigger your YouTube channel the more negativity. Naturally some people don’t want to see others win. It’s the nature of the beast but now the beast has a keyboard. With the power of SEND they can piss off just about anyone.
I think that YouTubers are soft with a false sense of reality. My channel is not as huge as Latoya’s Life however people troll me and call me names all the time. I think you must have a thicker skin to deal with the fuckery when putting your life on display. As this subscriber stated:

Now there are some people who are out of control who wish death, violence, and pain onto your family. People who make it their business to visit your page everyday to tell you how much they hate you but we know it comes with the territory. In my opinion that is a true troll.
Now a person who writes a comment that differs from how you perceive your own life isn’t a troll they just have an opinion. We give people that entitlement when we make our videos public.
Everyone doesn’t have to like our channels or even subscribe to us. Hell some people subscribe just to hate us but that is apart of it. When we release our lives visually to the public people can say whatever they please. We give them that power when sharing our vulnerabilities.
In an earlier blog I wrote about the LaVigne Life in this same regard over their recent feud with another YouTuber. The good thing about YouTube is you have a ban button. You can ban all the people you feel are trolling you.
Now I understand being a bigger channel such as those that you can’t go through each and every comment. So the next option is stop reading what people have to say unless you asked for specifics.
I’ve watched her vlogs and I’ve even felt some of her “reality” is contrived. Due to how some of those situations played out in her vlogs. I have found myself partial to her frienemy’s page Ron Dias. His situations, friends, and interactions give off more of an authentic feel in my opinion.
Latoya’s persona through editing gives me more of a ring leader vibe verses we are all in this together. We can’t deny that it works because she has a huge fan base and people are still engaged.
I hope after this video she posted they can just focus on the money because that is what most people do on her scale. I am not hating on her hustle and I wish them the best. Hopefully they invest in that thicker skin because they will need it for the line of work she has chose.
To prove not even the little people are above internet hate. I am willing to share an experience. I woke up this morning to an instagram comment about me having “kankles”. I read, laughed, and kept it moving. People are bored and will do anything on the internet for a reaction.
What do you guys think? Are trolls coming on to strong or are youtubers just sensitive?

I agree that content creators shouldn’t stoop to the level if trolls BUT we have to remember that yters are people too and just like commenter’s are entitled to their opinions, content creators are entitled to respond. I can imagine that most people on the Internet have a ticket skin but things will eventually get to you
I agree it does get to you but we all know it comes with the platform we use. People are going to come for us because we are doing something the person who is hating on us can’t and won’t do. We are vunerable every time we make DIY’s, commentaries, etc. We are targets at all times. The other option is to quit.