Life is a Cheesecake!
Life is all about trying new things. I feel that every opportunity the lord allows you should be seized. I was feeling so adventurous that I decided the unthinkable. I did what you would never imagine. When I told my mother she said “this will be hard are you sure?” My reply was “I’ve never been more sure in my life!”. I searched every where for the perfect weapons and plan for this war I was about to face. I know now that I am fully prepared to make a cheesecake.
I’ve always cooked savory dishes in fear I would screw up the sweet ones. The kitchen is all about risk and I was prepared for the challenge. Most people are scared to dive into vicious waters of baking and stay in shallow end. My crazy ass jumped right into the deep end. I decided to be very ambitious with my first cheesecake and made a Apple Walnut Caramel. I wanted to prove to myself that I not only had the know how but I was not afraid to fail.
So I gathered all my ingredients and proceeded to the kitchen to make the delicious sweet magic. Although nervous I knew I could do this. As I crushed the butter cookies I started to think of my mother. I started to think of a simpler time in my life where the smell of cinnamon and sweet potato pie filled our home over the holidays. Around this time of year I miss her more than usual. I am hoping God will allow us to be together this year because we have never missed one as a family.

After forming the crust I start to second guess this whole situation. I’m like girl what the hell you know about baking anything?! You need to quit while your ahead but then something happened. I came to my senses understanding that fear gets nothing done. I need to follow through with my task.
This cheesecake is so much like life. When we find ourselves in the unknown then our instincts are to run the other way because we aren’t prepared for what’s next. The reality is no one gets anything done with that way of thinking. To have experience is to gain education. So this cheesecake was most definitely a teaching moment for me.
The crust comes out of the oven and I sit it to cool. Then I start on my cheesecake filling. I peeled these cool apples I found from France that sort of resemble Granny Smith’s. I use Philadelphia cheese, sugar, 2 eggs, and a tsp of flour. I used my hand mixer to incorporate the ingredients well. As I’m making my finishing touches I become confident and sure that I have accomplished my goal.

There is nothing like finishing strong. I waited 24 hours before cutting the first slice and was proud of my homemade creation. I learned from this process never allow yourself to hold you back from completing a task. Never think you can’t do it because when you try the results may surprise you.