Louisa Moritz Seeks Class Action Suit Against Bill Cosby!
Bill Cosby has been murdered in the media due to these sexual assault allegations from between 20- 45 years ago.

Louisa Moritz according to TMZ is trying to band the women together for a class action suit against Bill Cosby. Moritz claims Cosby shoved his penis in her mouth in 1971 before appearing on the Tonight Show.
Louisa Moritz states she never told anyone about the incident until two weeks ago which was TMZ. Moritz claims hearing the other women’s stories jogged her memory of the sexual assault and that is why she is coming forward now.
I smelled a lawsuit from a mile away. Although the suit will most likely be thrown out due to the amount years and the stipulations the law has on the retention of accurate memories. Moritz knows this but feels if the woman came together that it would send a message to the media about who Cosby really is.
In my opinion I knew all of this was about money to begin with. I am not saying a man with his power, influence, and money isn’t capable of sticking his pudding pop in these women’s mouths. However, it is also not a far reach to say people will create situations to come up when a person is worth 400 million dollars. The person I really feel bad for is Camille Cosby.

She has been married to this man for over 40 years and we have no idea what she had to deal with to be his wife. To hear all of this in the media whether true or false has to be hard. The thing that remains true is all these women knew Bill Cosby was married.
All of the women who have come forward have not claimed they were forced by Cosby to be in his presence. Which to me says these matters need to be further investigated.
This is way too much stress for a woman Camille’s age. What do you all think? Do you feel bad for Camille?