Love and Hip Hop NY Returns Dec 15th! (VIDEO)
The ratchetness has returned to Vh1. Love and Hip Hop NY is back Dec 15th and the super trailer reveals a lot but still leaves so many questions.

Yandy Smith and Mendeecess finally unite after a year stint in jail over drug charges. It is also revealed that Yandy is pregnant with their second child. Erica and Cyn’s relationship seems to be breaking at the seems due to Erica’s behavior with other women. It also shows that Erica gets engaged to Bow Wow.
Rich Dollaz is still a creep and being messy. He seems to managing more female artists who he has slept with. These artist are fighting over him already. There is also a new edition to the cast Darryl Strawberry’s daughter Diamond. Her storyline is she is a model whose boyfriend reveals in the midst of their relationship he has a newborn baby with another woman.

The love triangle between Tara, Peter, and Amina is even more messy. Amina and Peter are expecting their baby and Peter seems to be messing with Tara again. Tara explains to Yandy her dealing with Peter is for the kids only. Then Yandy warns her to leave him alone because she is clearly not over Peter. Of course she doesn’t listen due to her emotional investment.

In the final scene you see Peter Gunz speaking with Tara asking to work it out and she finally admits what we were all thinking. She screamed at Peter “How you marry her before marrying me?”
We all knew she was tight over that at the reunion. Will you be watching this season?