A Man’s Guide to The 1st Date!
One of the most exciting and stressful times in a bachelors life is the preparation for the all-important 1st date.

There are several elements that can make or break the inaugural date; but no need to fear because this can be your guide to a great night out with that special person.
Individuality Is Key:
I think that guys who pretend to be something or someone that there are not have the worst luck with ladies. Most females are navigating the dating scene to capture that unique guy that has the presence and the guts to be the person that God made them. We live in a time where it’s exciting to branch off from individuality and step into the world of trends and simple mindedness. A girl wants a man that is not afraid to promote himself and step outside the box of the ordinary. So many guys try to intrigue females by poising as some big time VP, rapper, or professional athlete. Fellas, she is going to find out anyway, so save the embarrassment and just be who you were created to be. As Jay-Z once said “It’s so long fake thugs can pretend!”
Don’t Just Talk About Sex:
Fellas, you have to remember and be cognitive of the fact that you’re on a date, not just a hit it and quit it session (that comes later lol). But seriously, females don’t want to just engage in dialogue about what position they like, how many guys they smashed, or if they ever had intercourse with another women. Nothing turns a women off more than immature discourse that leaves nothing for the mind to wonder what is in that dress? I see guys drop the ball in this category during the 1st date all the time and I just don’t comprehend why guys fall into the trap of thirst. During the 1st date, make sure to keep the conversation engaging but not creepy, and constant sexual references kills the vibe tremendously.
Chicks Loves Guys Who Are Spontaneous:
Females hate being out with a guy and he fails to keep her attention or make her lust for the next guy. Being spontaneous is imperative during the 1st date because the element of surprise can extend the 1st date to a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th night out. You never want to see your date playing on her phone or texting her girlfriend attempting to compose some lie in which her friend has to come pick her up (wow that really hurts). Prior to the 1st date, partake in some homework on the young lady to discover her likes, dislikes, fears, favorite movie, and all that good crap (just joking ladies). Remember, you don’t always have to take that special lady out to dinner or a movie. You can always travel to a dope poetry jam, art museum, or even a wine tasting exhibition. Always remember that a change of scenery can transcend into the biggest factor of being that spontaneous man that a special girl has been looking for her entire life.