Meanwhile in Dubai…I Met People!
Since I’ve been living in Dubai the biggest challenge I have faced is making friends. Among others things like finding black hair products, liquor, and pork. Mission accomplished on those three items but it is always a treasure hunt for the things we want.
People here aren’t the warmest and frankly keep to themselves. Here the Drake shit is real. No new friends! No new Friends! No No No! This is definitely not like my home country. At home you can simply compliment someone’s outfit and leave with a friend. In this country you can’t just strike up conversations because they will look at you like you’re an alien. No seriously they will lol.

It only took nearly six months for me to experience a warm interaction. I went to Spinney’s, a supermarket where most expats frequent to find their beloved home country items that they can’t find in other groceries. While exiting the store with Jay I rode the escalator down to proceed to the parking lot.
As we rode down a man looked at me and my nature is to smile so I did. The gentleman smiled back and nodded. I know that isn’t a big deal at home but that was the warmest exchanged I received since I’ve been here.
That very encounter made me feel better about my stay for that brief moment. Shout out to the man on the escalator who welcomed Jersey properly I will never forget you.

I also got the opportunity to celebrate one of the milestones of Jersey Is Naked at one of my favorite restaurants Benihana. Although Benihana is one of my favorite places to go I remembered that you share you table with people you don’t know. Usually this is a cool experience but a lot of people here tend to keep themselves. At this point my significant other and I we’re prepared for a very awkward dinner.

To the left of our table was a Arab family who basically controlled the course of the evening, I will explain all of that later. Then to the right of us was young couple who were dressed for a hot night on the town. I studied them and recognized that some of their actions resembled the comforts of a westerner lifestyle.
Watch: Just The Two of Us: Stuck In Dubai Episode 1
Now if you have been to Benihana before you know they do a fire show on the hibachi. This is when the Arab family started to take over. One of their family members were afraid of fire so they asked the chef not to make the fire.
Watch: Just The Two of Us: Stuck In Dubai Episode 2
So my Jersey girl face was chopped and screwed because I’m like there four other people who want to enjoy the whole show. I wanted to see the big fire basically I was pissed. Then the poor chef starts to prepare the food and then they had an issue with him using salt on their food. Not to mention the chef asked prior to preparing the meal did anyone have any allergies or issues with food before preparation.
Watch: Just The Two of Us: Stuck In Dubai Episode 3
The Chef had to make all of their food separate from everyone else’s. Appetizers and dinner had then been served and everyone was enjoying until there was a loud crash of a broken wine glass.I jumped not expecting the loud crash and I asked the woman to my right “Are you alright?” she replied “I’m fine”. I then noticed her accent was Irish. She had a very friendly disposition and smiled at her mistake.
I immediately thought of all the castles and grassy knolls of her home country. I hear Ireland is a beautiful and serene place. As I am thinking of that her companion gives her his dinner since they removed hers in fear that glass may have tainted it. I never saw them bring her anymore food either which was odd.
Dessert is served and her look her way but I was speaking to my other half then she responds what did you say? I said oh excuse I was speaking to him. She then casually asked me where I was from. I then jumped on the table and said “New Jersey! Woo Woo!” nah I’m only kidding. I told her I was from the states. I hail from New Jersey.
Then we began to have effortless conversation. Her fiancee’s returns to the table, we met him, and he then says hello. We shared some jokes. As the witty banter continued we discussed random items like Mr.Clean, his love for red latex, and how it would appear in my blog. Now before you get all weird about the latex it was clearly a joke but it was quite hilarious.
I advised them that I was a writer and that I run my own blog. The night winded down and my man and hers exchanged cards then we said goodbye.
I found that to be an cool experience to meet people who are awesome and love to have fun. Oh yes before I forget I want to wish the best on their upcoming nuptials. Maybe he can wear a black latex suit lol.
You guys were awesome to meet. Thanks for creating a beautiful memory for me.