Memphitz is Suing Vh1, K.Michelle, and Love and Hip Hop for Defermation

Well the Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Season one is over but Memphitz former executive of Jive records lawsuit against the show and K.Michelle has just began. Memphitz released a statement saying “My family and I have suffered tremendously while VH-1, Monami Ent (Mona Scott), and the other companies provided a worldwide platform for K. Michelle to repeatedly assassinate my character. The filing of this suit is to compensate for the irreparable damage that has been done to my reputation and to deter these companies from doing such future harm to others.” Memphitz is asking for alleged $1 per viewer per episode that his character has been defamed. With 12 episodes per season and 3-4 million viewers per episode the bill can be large for the franchise.
I am not sure how he will recuperate his money because K.Michelle never revealed his name on any of the episodes and it was something she never confirmed with anyone. It was Memphitz whose immediate response to her allegations on the show that got the rumor mill going. The show showed his friend supporting him Rasheeda fellow cast member calling Michelle a “Fucking Fraud!” We will see what happens with this because his lawyer has a long road ahead to prove that K. Michelle was lying. The video below is a statement from K.Michelle.
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Wooooooooooooooooooow this is just crazy. I doubt that K. Michelle will be going all crazy if he really didn’t hit her. His name was never revealed and I feel he is guilty. This is his way of saying “Itold you to shut up” by suing her and the others $1 per show per viewing. Memphis please go have a seat.
Signed XVictim of domestic violence
I completely agree Michelle. I think he is guilty because he answered to the allegations that he was never accused of publicly.