Did Miley Disrespect Paula Patton at The VMA’s?
Did Miley’s booty shaking and suggestive dancing shock Robin Thicke’s wife?
Well according to TMZ Paula Patton was not bothered by the over sexualized performance against her husband. Patton expressed that she was aware of what would take place and wasn’t phased at all.

Today while on Facebook one of my friends had a photo of Miley twerking on Robin Thicke. Her friend then responded to the photo stating she would have had a conversation with Cyrus in reference to her actions if it was her husband.
I replied to the status saying why would she even bother going to someone she probably see’s as nothing more than a child to acknowledge her behavior on stage? Which lead me to this question, why is it as women we focus on what the women are doing and not our men?
During the performance, clearly Robin continued to sing and did not make any sexual movements back. He did not feed into her wild perversions. So why not recognize his loyalty verses being apart of the drama? Well some women seem to think it is a principle of respect. That also got me to thinking that we compare these celebrity men who are overly exposed to the world as regular men.
Robin Thicke isn’t the guy who works at Bank of America nor is his wife the woman who works at Meryl Lynch they’re entertainers. So more times then most they find themselves in these situations. I do agree that women are different and they handle their situations in their own way. I just don’t feel it is necessary to feel any type of way towards a situation that your partner gave no attention to.
I would love to explore why women are combative towards other women who may find their men attractive? I take it as a compliment when I walk through the mall or anywhere and women check out my man. It confirms the sexiness I see in my partner. It would be idiotic to think because I’m with him that women don’t find him attractive. When a man is with another woman and he treats her special to some women he becomes increasingly sexy.
Which leads me back to the original focus maybe Miley thinks Robin is sexy. That’s not so far fetched. I think Robin Thicke is sexy. He could sing to me any day. I love his chill personality and throwback soul music. I am sure I’m not the only woman in the world who feels that way due to his public exposure. If Paula Patton had a conversation with every woman who was approaching her man in a disrespectful way she would have no voice left.
Bringing it down to a level of the norm I am more focused on my partner’s reaction than some chick who means nothing at the end of the day. Prime example my significant other was a promoter and women approached him constantly. They knew he was in a serious relationship but proceeded anyway.
When my partner was flirted with he would let them know “I’m happy but I appreciate your compliment.” His reactions were always a constant confirmation of his respect and value of our foundation not to mention his extreme loyalty. So they’re no reasons to fight or talk to anyone. He resolved the situation by his behavior. More women need to value that trait in their men instead concerning themselves with the next woman.
Always keep in mind what he is doing to protect you and your feelings because he is supposed to love you. Why would a stranger really give a damn about you when they are out for themselves? So it always comes back to the people who are involved in the situation and how they handle it when it comes. Acknowledgement of a nobody gives them control and energy. The best way to make someone powerless is not to engage and let the truth speak for itself.
I love to see all different points of views in regards to male and female interactions. Ladies please remember looking for loyalty and respect from another chick is a waste of time. You should have loyalty and respect in the foundation that you and your partner have built. I find it that women who are easily threaten by other women tend to engage in the confrontation of others who don’t matter.
With that being said Robin Thicke I commend your respect for your wife during the humping, booty shaking, and tongue performance.
Reactions from VMA Performance…Watch Here
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One Comment
Paula was right to not be phased. That was purely entertainment just as her doing kissing scenes in a movie.