Need a Quick Meal Idea? Chicken and Parmesan Salad Duh!
When you don’t feeling like the hassle of the kitchen you can always make this recipe that is not only good to eat but filling.
The other night I really didn’t feel like going hard in the kitchen to prepare an extravagant meal. Sometimes you just need a break but want to make something equally satisfying. I looked in my fridge and saw I had chicken breast and salad stuff. My mind was like I am chopping all this shit up!
Cooking Chicken Breast…
I prepared the chicken with my favorite seasonings. The usual suspects (Salt, Pepper, Garlic, and Thyme). Note when you just use kosher salt and fresh cracked black pepper that it is just as delicious. So if you want to be even more lazy please just use salt and pepper to taste.
Take a hot skillet on medium heat and place the chicken breast face down. Let it cook for 2-4 mins on the presentation side. Maybe longer due to thickness of breast. You want to let that salt crystalized to create some crust on the chicken breast.
Flip the chicken let sear for 2 minutes to lock in juices. Once 2 minutes passed take 1/3 cup of water and let the chicken steam for 4 mins covered on low. This will cook the middle of the meat. After the 4 mins has passed remove chicken to cutting board and let it rest for 3-5 minutes for juices to go back into the meat.
Don’t cover the chicken tightly only tent it to let some air escape. Back in the skillet there should be some chicken juice leftover. Don’t disregard the juices that formed in the pan we will use it to make salad dressing!
****Resting meat allows it to be at it’s best. Allow the chicken breast to rest for extreme moistness*****
Moving on to the Veggies…
I chopped cucumber, tomatoes, onions, and romaine lettuce. Make sure you wash and dry the lettuce with a strainer or a salad spinner. There is nothing worse than soggy salad. Place all cut veggies into the bowl and sit to the side. Although a tomato is a fruit go figure lol.
Also when cutting a cucumber you should slice down the middle exposing the seeds. With the back of a spoon scrap the seed out to avoid the lettuce from becoming wet. I also remove the seeds from tomatoes as well by cutting around them leaving the flesh to be used for the salad.
Salad Dressing…
Throw out those salad dressing bottles and make your own. Its easy I promise. Take an old mason jar and fill it with balsamic vinegar a 3rd of the way. Then with good quality olive oil fill to the halfway point. Add two squirts of honey and then the rest of the chicken juices. Shake to combine and it is the best tasting salad dressing! The best part is you know exactly what’s in it. Fuck the stuff you can’t pronounce!
Pull it all together…

Cut chicken slices on a bias and sit aside to places on the salad. Grab a bowl add chopped veggies. Place chicken on the top and add a sprinkling of the parmesan cheese. Take the homemade dressing and use a spoon to dress your salad.
Happy Cooking and take it easy!