North Carolina Governor Has Tampered With a Woman’s Right to Chose!
North Carolina’s Gov Pat McCrory has just recently signed a bill altering women’s rights to chose.
The bill signed forces abortion clinics to upgrade to an out patient facility. These changes could cost most of these clinics to close due to the hefty price tag. The upgrade could cost clinics up to one million dollars.
With that being said there is only one facility in the state that meets the requirements. Their have been women’s rights protesters outside of the Governor’s mansion since this happened. Marching and pleading for McCrory to veto this new law.
Women’s right’s activist are pissed because they elected him due to him campaigning to protect women’s rights. This is typical politician behavior once elected things change.
This sounds awful to me. I can see people trying to do backdoor abortions and women dying due to them not being able to receive proper care. This is so dangerous and I hope that they can find away to keep the professionals open to do these procedures.
We all know one abortion clinic through out the whole state of North Carolina is not helping anyone. This could most definitely be a disaster waiting to happen.
This was the most interesting part njhearld reports
Existing abortion clinic regulations haven’t been changed since the mid-1990s, Dr. Aldona Wos, the state Health and Human Services secretary, said earlier this month. About half of states now require abortion facilities to meet standards intended for ambulatory surgical centers, according to the Guttmacher Institute, which tracks restrictions on abortion rights.
The law also prohibits abortions for gender selection and allows any health care provider to opt out of participating in abortions, extending that option beyond doctors and nurses. The measure also prohibits abortion coverage in insurance plans offered by cities, counties or the online marketplace for private policies being established under the federal health overhaul law.
Abortions would be allowed if a pregnancy were the result of rape or incest, or to save the life of the mother.