Parents Are Your Teens on You Now?
Brand new app You Now has landed in your teens cellphones, wi-fi devices, and bedrooms. It allows you to broadcast yourself live to complete strangers from anywhere as long as you can use wi-fi.

This app has become very popular among teens between 13-17 years old.The gimmick is the longer you stay live on the app the more people will watch and like you. Once you have a lot of people watching you You Now will feature your broadcast as a popular channel.
I found out about this app from a fellow YouTuber as I scrolled my Facebook timeline. I initially thought the app was for sharing current YouTube content. After further investigation I found that the app is a more advanced version of ustream.
Curious about its appeal I recorded myself talking and people began to watch my randomness. I received questions and some inappropriate conversation. After two minutes I ended my You Now broadcast and explored the app even further. The app search is through hashtags. This is how you find like-minded people to watch.
I scanned through several profiles only to find it was full of teenagers. So I wanted to take a glimpse into the teenage mind. I stumbled across a channel of a girl who looked no older than 15 talking about how she wanted a boyfriend.
While watching the scrolling conversation placed at the bottom of her broadcast I saw many sexual advances towards her from teen boys. With every disgusting comment the girl smiled and just loved the attention.
I also went to a young man’s channel who smacked on cereal rather loudly preaching about how girls his age should have more sex. He also made comments about girls who preferred to wait.
“Women think all that waiting shit is smart but it’s stupid. You shouldn’t be dangling your –ssy at men like it’s a piece chicken to a dog.”
Although that line gave me a chuckle I started to think how this generation of teens are obsessed with microwave fame. Their want for fame overrides their need to just be a normal kid. Or is this the new normal?
The teenager who said this had over 300 viewers and thousands of likes. These teens had no limits on what they shared to be seen. Some of the teens I found were so desperate for viewers they were actually sleeping during their broadcast.
Most of these kids are on this app way past midnight which is a scary thing. While their parents are asleep they are on You Now begging for sex and boyfriends.
In my opinion You Now would be a great tool for marketing your brand not sharing private info. I don’t think this is a place for teens.
Is your child on You Now? If you don’t know you need to find out.