Pebbles Sues VH1 and Writes a Book About LA Reid Affair With Chilli?! (VIDEO)
Pebbles needs to buy a ticket for every seat at Yankee stadium and then sit. It has been over 20 years since these girls were saying that she ripped them off. So why are you mad now? Pebbles sat on the couch with Wendy Williams and spilled the tea on TLC.

According to sister Perri the only thing about the movie that was true was the fact that she wore Chanel bags. At this point I don’t think anyone really cares about her side of the story. The movie came out last month and now the moment has passed.
Pebbles also brought her daughter Ashley to the show. Ashley has been making blog lines with her threats upon Chilli and her thoughts on her mother’s portrayal in the film. Ashley has said on twitter that she wants to bash Chilli’s head into the concrete. Although she has since apologized for the violent comments she says she is no way saying sorry for protecting her family.
The interesting piece of information that was revealed was that Left Eye and T-Boz threw Chilli out the group. She also dropped the bomb that she believes that Chilli at the time was having an affair with her then husband LA Reid. After the big reveal she said she didn’t want to say too much because she is writing a book about the experience.
What it sounds like to me is she is trying to capitalize off the moneys the movie made by telling her story. Even if Chilli did sleep with LA Reid why does it matter at this point? It’s called throwing salt and creating a distraction from the main point. If Chilli was sucking him off don’t you think they would have had a better deal? I know I wouldn’t be sucking dick for no reason and my mouth game wouldn’t have me in no damn Rav 4. The mistress gets taking care of. Where the cash at? Where the stash at?
According to Pebbles those are the cars they asked for. Which she didn’t confirm or deny whether those cars were brought by the label or the group themselves. The main point was Pebbles gave them a less than deal. Although she claimed that Left Eye was her girl, she also agreed with the faulty contract via Vh1’s behind the music.
As for Pebbles daughter she is a opportunist. Ashley is speaking openly about things she was too young to understand. She needs to stay out grown folks business. TLC’s Crazy Sexy Cool movie had the highest viewership in television movie history. So I am almost certain that their check was fat.
Peep the clip