Plus Size Myths! We Are Some Hot Women!
There are these stereotypes about plus size women that we are lonely, all we do is eat, and basically depressed due to our size. I am prepared to let you know that these things are the furthest from the truth.

One of the biggest stereotypes about plus size women is that we are depressed and lonely. We are just the opposite. Most plus size women are very happy with their size and have very healthy social lives. Just because a woman is bigger than a size 10 doesn’t mean she is at home sitting around mounds of food feeling sorry for herself.
We find outfits that show off our beauty to be seen by our peers. I personally didn’t cry because I was the “bigger” girl out of all my friends. I felt it made me special because I didn’t blend in. In this life I was meant to stand out. So that I did.
We Eat all the Time

I am a plus size woman and I don’t eat all day. People don’t understand that if you don’t eat enough you gain weight also. Your body starts to feed off the existing nutrients that are left in your body to make up for what it didn’t get. Which adds weight. I just started adding breakfast in my diet. I use to eat lunch then dinner and go to bed. Clearly two meals a day isn’t the most healthy regimen for a person.
Contrary to some dumbass people’s belief’s that we order everything on the menu and that is how we achieved fatness. I am strong believer in genetics and you have to make the best out of what you are given. I’ve seen plenty of skinny people eat horribly and not gain a pound that don’t work out. Yet I work out and I can run circles around then. Skinny doesn’t mean in shape at all.
We aren’t Attractive to Men

Plus Size women date just as much as skinny women if not more. Every man has a preference. Some men like a chunky monkey (Cute Chubby Chick). Some men tend to see beauty in the chick that has a few extra rolls. I myself accept who I am and know that with my imperfections I am a true beauty.
My confidence has always exposed my outer and inner beauty. I have never had a problem attracting men let alone keeping one. Every man isn’t attracted to the smaller woman. Men have all types of preferences. Beauty is not on the scale it’s in your core and confidence.
Basically what I am trying to say is that despite a few of us who may fit that criteria we are happy, healthy, and beautiful people. When I throw on my fuck’em girl dress and heels I am the baddest chick in the room with my rolls and all. No one whether big or small will think you are bad unless you do. You have to make yourself a believer before anyone else.
I love my Chubby Girls and You Should Love Yourself!

It’s always surprised me to find out just how many plus-size men and women alike are embarrassed of their arms. Like all other insecurities, these hang-ups come from years of being bullied and tormented for being fat. But tanks and sleeveless tops and dresses are ideal for the summer; they can often look really cute.
Jersey Nunn
Yes, arms are a thing but I don’t let it bother me. You’re right summer it is hot and we should be able to be free. It is too damn hot to be uncomfortable! Thank you for supporting me 🙂